Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 243: Seminar in Functional Analysis
Akihiro Miyagawa
Strong Haagerup inequality for q-circular operators
The q-circular system is a tuple of non-commutative random variables (operators with some state) which interpolate independent standard complex Gaussian random variables (q=1) in classical probability and freely independent circular random variables (q=0) in free probability. One of the interesting results on q-deformed probability is that -1<q<1 case has similar properties to free case (q=0). Haagerup inequality is one of such properties, which was originally proved for generators of free groups with respect to the left regular representation.
In this talk, I will explain the strong version of Haagerup inequality for the q-circular system, which was originally proved by Kemp and Speicher for q=0. This talk is based on a joint project with T. Kemp.
January 28, 2025
11:00 AM
APM 7218
Research Areas
Functional Analysis / Operator Theory****************************