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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 211A: Seminar in Algebra

Dr. Yizhen Zhao

UC San Diego

Symbol Length Problem and Restricted Lie Algebra


The symbol length problem is a longstanding question concerning the Brauer group of a field. In the case of fields of positive characteristic, every Brauer class is split by a finite extension of height 1. This observation suggests a connection between the symbol length problem and the Galois theory of purely inseparable extensions, where the restricted Lie algebra naturally arise. In this talk, we will explore how various symbol length problems in Brauer groups relate to restricted Lie algebras and introduce a moduli-theoretic description of restricted subspaces in a restricted Lie algebra.

Host: Professor Dan Rogalski

January 13, 2025

3:00 PM

APM 7321

Research Areas

