The Autumn Ivy on the math building

Below is a list of some of the people in the Department of Mathematics who you may need to talk with at various points during your time at UC San Diego.

The Senior Teaching Assistants (Samir Canning and Daniel Kroes) are the first people one should talk to with teaching issues.

For academic issues, one should first go to his/her faculty advisor and then to the Graduate Vice Chair, Bo Li if the situation is not resolved.

Most other issues, including advancing to candidacy and graduation are handled by the Graduate Advisors.

Faculty Contacts

Todd Kemp – Graduate Vice Chair 
The Graduate Vice Chair heads the Qualifying Exam Appeals Committee, the Admissions Committee, and advises the department about the administration of graduate exams, recruiting graduate students, policy issues, and recommendations for graduate student awards, etc.

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Jeff Rabin – Training Supervisor for Teaching Assistants
Faculty member who oversees training for first-year teaching assistants; works closely with the Senior TA and Assistant Senior TA

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Grad Student Representatives

Ryan Schneider and Jason O’Neill – Senior Teaching Assistants (2021-2022)
Holds trainings for first-time TAs, attends discussion sections throughout the quarter to check TA compliance, attends monthly Graduate Affairs meetings, assists with any problems that come up regarding TAs.

Gregory Patchell and Andres Rodriguez – Assistant Senior Teaching Assistants (2021-2022)
Assists Senior TA in all above duties.

Staff Contacts

Victoria Valerio – Graduate Academic Advisor
Graduate admissions, fiscal processes, financial aid, student employment

  • Email:

Holly Proudfoot – Instructional Support Manager
Class scheduling, room reservations, general departmental information, supplies for teaching assistants, oversees instructional support team (including front desk)

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Kyung J. Brown, MA – Student Services Manager
Academic forms, rules/regulations, administrator of student files, alumni relations, oversees academic advisors, Office assignments for graduate students

Elizabeth Cuevas – Facilities Coordinator
Programs ID cards to gain entry for offices and department spaces, assigns office space for department visitors

  • Email:

Mark Whelan  – Graduate Academic Advisor 
Academic forms, rules/regulations, administrator of student files

  • Email:

Scott Rollans – Director of Student Services
Quarterly scheduling of all department courses, general departmental information, hiring of teaching assistants

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