Scholarships/ Internships/ Careers: Our Resources/ Opportunities page contains helpful information about job opportunities, scholarships, and internships.

Career Services: The Career Center's Internship Opportunities can help with career exploration, resume development, interview skill building and development of personal statements. They maintain an on-line listing of internships through Handshake. Contact CSC at 858/534-3750 for more information.

Academic Internship Program: The Academic Internship Program (AIP) features internships for which you can earn college credit. AIP will handle paperwork for research projects on campus. They will also help train you in how to write a successful resume. Call AIP at 534-4355 for more information.

Community Connections: Many students develop their own internships by contacting friends and family or just by going and calling or visiting a company they are interested in learning more about. Networking has always proved to be a superior technique for finding opportunities. Who you know may be as important as what you know.

Learn practical skills: Internships provide the opportunity to learn practical skills, from understanding computer software programs to analyzing profit and loss statements. It is a chance to examine a work culture and the different styles that come along with it -- how to work in a team or alone, how to dress, or how to work under deadline pressure.

Finding opportunities Listings of many available internships are available in the reference section of most school and public libraries. You can also call companies directly and inquire about internship programs.

Be sure to make calls well in advance as deadlines can be early. Getting a head start will not only give you enough time to get organized, but it could also give you a leg up when trying to secure a competitive internship.

A Key to a Job A recent study discovered that a quarter of the new hires by prestigious Fortune 500 companies had participated in an internship program while a student. The reward for caring enough about their future careers to spend the time and effort required by an internship was a full-time job after graduation.

Here are some questions and answers designed to help you make the most of an internship opportunity.

What is an internship and how does it differ from a job?

An internship is a short-term work experience with an employer in a career field of interest to you. It emphasizes learning on the job rather than earning. It provides a chance to observe the work, to gain on-the-job experience and to learn how you like the field. It may take place during a summer vacation, a term off from school, or part-time during the school year.

Why is an internship important?

Related experience is the number one factor employers use when hiring employees. Internships can offer you actual hands-on experience in a field of interest. Internships can also help you test your skills and interests in that field. It will give you practice in some valuable job hunting skills, such as creating a resume and interviewing. Internships can also provide you with useful contacts and possibly a reference for future employment.

How can you learn of internships?

The Career Development Center library has a number of national directories which cite programs such as Internships 1995, Student's Guide to Mass Media Internships, America's Top 100 Internships, Directory of Internships in Youth Development, and more. The Career Development Center has listings of internships in their library.

Can I create my own internship?

Definitely, and these are often the most useful. Any organization in a field of interest to you is a candidate. Explore the organization, see where you might fit in best, and propose a plan to the employer. This is an area where alumni could be helpful. In approaching alumni, ask for advice on how to proceed.

Are some internships paid?

Yes, compensation for paid internships is at least minimum wage, but the key should be the value of the work experience provided. Given a choice between one which pays (with little work experience of value) and one which does not pay (and offers good, relevant experience), consider taking the unpaid internship.

Why do employers like internships?

They like the enthusiasm and dedication of the interns. Furthermore, for little cost, they get to preview prospective candidates for employment, and if they really like you they may offer you a job after graduation.

Contact information:

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact the Math Advising Office at:
Math Advising Office (AP&M 7409)
Department of Mathematics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0112
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112 USA

Phone: (858) 534-3590