The Math Graduate Program is a community of over 100 graduate students. We could not function without our graduate students volunteering to do certain tasks that make our program work. Most of these tasks are things that you will also be doing if you decided to become an academic at a university or college. They are also useful to add to your CV when you send out your job application.
The San Diego Math Circle – This group is one of the first and largest in the country, attracting hundreds of students ages 10 through 18 every year. Classes run on Saturday mornings from fall through spring. The SDMC needs a core group of volunteer instructors to maintain a broad sampling of topics from all across mathematics. Volunteers may choose which age group to work with (there are 3 levels: grades 4-6, 7-9, 10-12). Teaching at SDMC is a good low-pressure way to hone your teaching skills (lesson planning, problem-writing, presentation, etc.) and earn some brownie points to boot.
- Association for Women in Mathematics – Our graduate women formed a chapter of AWM and are now the recipients of a Tensor Grant from the MAA. AWM volunteers to give our undergraduate math club seminars on how to apply to grad school, how to apply for summer internships and several other volunteer activities. For information, see their website.
- Ax Library and Graduate Lounge – We recently created a new library and lounge specifically for grad students. We need volunteers to keep the library and lounge in good working condition. The lounge is the primary meeting place for masters students and has a coffee machine and refrigerator. Contact the Student Affairs Manager, Scott Rollans, if you would like to volunteer.
Mathstorm Consultants – The math department has a group of volunteers who offer their services free to the UCSD community with regards to how to solve mathematical problems and conduct proper analysis of data. Contact the Mathstorm faculty advisor, David Meyer, for more information.
- Food for Thought Seminar – This is a seminar run by grad students for grad students. Students who want to practice their speaking skills can give an expository talk on a topic of their choice. See their website for more information.
- The Jerome – Second year students host a barbecue for incoming students in September to brief the incoming students on idiosyncrasies of the department. Usually held before actual classes begin. No faculty invited!! To volunteer, get in touch with other second year students.
- Graduate Student Association Representatives – There is a campuswide Graduate Student Association that addresses the needs of graduate students. The Math Department has 3 representatives. Activities such as Food for Thought and other activities occasionally receive funding from the GSA.
Open House – At the end of Winter quarter or beginning of Spring quarter, our prospective grad students visit campus and our entertained by our grad students who provide food and information about our grad program. We also need volunteers to provide transportation to and from the hotel, some students to lead campus tours, a hike to the cliffs and some students to meet with the prospective students informally. Contact the Senior TA, Michelle Bodnar, or the Graduate Support Specialist, Debbie Shon, in March if you would like to help out.
- Prospective Grad Student visits – Often prospective students come to visit outside of the scheduled Open House in the spring quarter. Depending on their field of interest, we would like some students to volunteer to meet with them for a half hour and describe the grad program. One possibility is to go out to lunch with them at the Price Center. The Grad Vice Chair, Jacques Verstraete, or the Graduate Support Specialist, Mark Whelan, will request volunteers as needed.
- Associate Instructor Opportunities – Students who have advanced to candidacy and who have excellent TA evaluations are chosen to teach a course, usually precalculus or calculus. (Math 3C, 4C or 10ABC). The Grad Vice Chair, Jacques Verstraete, and the Student Affairs Manager, Scott Rollans, maintain a waitlist. Interested students should talk with the Grad Vice Chair or with Scott, and it’s recommended to gain some experience teaching these students by being a TA for these classes.
- Mentors to the Undergraduate Math Club – We have an active undergraduate club Society for Undergraduate Math Students that is facilitated by our Mathematics Student Affairs Manager, Diana Platero-Lopez. They would appreciate having a couple grad students who could act as mentors to the math club.