Mathematics Honors Program presentations are held each May. These presentations were based on theses submitted for examination to the Mathematics Department Honors Committee.
The department’s Honors Committee will determine if Honors will be awarded, and if so, at which level (Honors with Distinction, Honors with High Distinction, or Honors with Highest Distinction); the student’s GPA in the major and the quality of both the thesis and the presentation will all be taken into account.
If you are interested in attending the Honors Program Presentations, please send an email to
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Thomas Allen | Honors with High Distinction | Character Varieties and Orbit Stability mod p | Alireza Salehi Golsefidy |
Eugene Chiou | Honors with High Distinction | Finding Gaussian Binomial Identities with Integer Partitions | Steven Sam |
Jack Chou | Honors with Highest Distinction | Three Problems on Grothendieck Polynomials and Pipedreams |
Brendon Rhoades |
Xiao Feng | Honors with Distinction | Proof of CHSH Inequality and Tsirelson’s Bound Using Same Method | David Meyer |
Jared Hughes | Honors with Highest Distinction | Bill Helton | |
Haocong Li | Honors with High Distinction | Recent Progress on the Erdős-Rogers Functions | Jacques Verstraete |
Yongce Li | Honors with High Distinction | Strong Consistency with Limited Information for the Binary Hypergraph Stochastic Block Model |
Ioana Dumitriu |
Deepansha Singh | Honors with Distinction | Yuhua Zhu | |
Linghao Zhang | Honors with Highest Distinction | Polynomial Optimization Over Unions of Sets |
Jiawang Nie |
Siyuan Zheng | Honors with Highest Distinction | Algebraic Stack and its Connections with Markoff Triples | Alireza Salehi Golsefidy |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Xun Gong | Honors with High Distinction | Monodromy of a Symmetric Surface | Amir Mohammadi |
Andrew Paul | Honors with Distinction | Churn Classes and Lines on a Cubic Surface | Dragos Oprea |
Rohan Puthukudy | Honors with Distinction | Combinatorial Representation Theory | Steven Sam |
Frederick Rajasekaran | Honors with Highest Distinction | Fluctuations of Eigenvalues and Concentration Inequalities for Patterned Random Matrices | Todd Kemp |
Mingcheng Sheng | Honors with High Distinction | The Function Theory and Structural Information | Amir Mohammadi |
Fuxiang Yang | Honors with Highest Distinction | Invariant Theory and Group Coaction on Artin-Shelter Regular Algebra | Daniel Rogalski |
Winston Yu | Honors with High Distinction | Maximum Mean Discrepancy Tests via Learned Data-Dependent Encoder Kernels | Alex Cloninger |
Ellie Zou | Honors with Distinction | Parameter Estimation on Dynamic Factor Augmented Regression Model | Danna Zhang |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Ricardo Arruda | Honors with High Distinction | Combinatorics of Young Tableaux and its Applications | Steven Sam |
Andrew Dennehy | Honors with High Distinction | LINSCAN- A Linearity Based Clustering Algorithm | Alex Cloninger |
Aidan Epperly | Honors with High Distinction | Matrix Extreme Versus Free Extreme | William Helton |
Kin Yau James Wong | Honors with Highest Distinction | Kakeya Sets and its Applications | Ioan Bejenaru |
Hantao Yu | Honors with Highest Distinction | Discrete Fourier Transform over Schurian Schemes | Kiran Kedlaya, Chris Umans |
Shuncheng Yuan | Honors with High Distinction | Empirical Study of Randomized Algorithms for Low-rank Approximation | Ioana Dumitriu |
Junchen Zhao | Honors with Distinction | A Concrete Example of Matrix Tuples Optimally Coupled in a Larger Matrix Algebra | Todd Kemp, David Jekel |
Yixuan Zhou | Honors with Distinction | Numerics for Different Bases in Certifying Nonnegativity of Polynomials | Mareike Dressler |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Artur Bayramyan | Honors with Distinction | Topological Algebra: Tool of Persistent Homology and Its Application In Analysing US School Market | Steven Sam |
Brian Chao | Honors with High Distinction | A spatial mutation model with increasing mutation rates | Jason Schweinsberg |
Austin Du | Honors with Distinction | Estimating Quadratically Regularized Wasserstein Distance on k-Connected Graphs | Alex Cloninger |
Ibrahim Hajar | Honors with Distinction | Embeddability of Abstract Pseudo-Einstein Cauchy-Riemann Manifolds | Peter Ebenfelt |
Erding Liao | Honors with Distinction | An Investigation of Hidden Markov Model with Partially Missing Observations |
Ery Arias-Castro |
Huanxi Liu | Honors with Distinction | An Evaluation of Hyperparameter Tuning Methods in SVM |
Ery Arias-Castro |
Tomoki Oda | Honors with Distinction | Kleinian Singularities |
James M cKernan |
William Tran | Honors with Distinction | Spectral Theory of Graphons |
Ioana Dumitriu |
Jiyue Zeng | Honors with High Distinction | Numerical Methods for Convex Optimization and Their Applications |
Mareike Dressler, Martin Licht |
Lawrence Zhang | Honors with Distinction | A Friendly Introduction to Compressed Sensing |
Ery Arias-Castro |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Yi Fu | Honors with High Distinction | Empirical Properties of Extreme Points Arising in Semidefinite Programming with Matrix Variables | Bill Helton |
Haoyang Li | Honors with Distinction | Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications | Ery Arias-Castro |
Randy Martinez | Honors with Distinction | Zeta Function for Fermat Hypersurfaces | Claus Sorensen |
Thu Nguyen | Honors with High Distinction | Recovering the First Vertices in a Preferential Attachment Model | Ery Arias-Castro |
Jeb Runnoe | Honors with High Distinction | Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization | Philip Gill |
Omar Vazquez | Honors with Distinction | Instrumental Variable Methods in Real Estate Data Analysis | Ery Arias-Castro |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Qingyuan Chen | Honors with High Distinction | A Hopf's Ratio Ergodic Theorem for Heisenberg Group | Amir Mohammadi |
Haiyu Huang | Honors with High Distinction | Paradoxical Decomposition and Amenability | Adrian Ioana |
Xingfan Jia | Honors with High Distinction | Shallow Neural Networks, Gradient Descent, and Overparameterization | Ery Arias-Castro |
Nathan Liitstschwager | Honors with Distinction | Determining Causal Effects on Small-Cluster Data | Ronghui "Lily" Xu |
Longde Wang | Honors with High Distinction | The Application of Symmetric Tensor Decomposition to Parameter Estimation of Latent Variable Models | Jiawang Nie |
Clara Woods | Honors with High Distinction | Evaluating IBM’s Quantum Compiler and Quantum Computer Architectures As They Pertain to Quantum Walk Simulation Algorithms | David Meyer |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Amin Fozi | Honors with Distinction | Algorithmic Reconstruction of Inverted Relationships Using the Alyawarra Kinship Glossary | David Meyer |
Harveen Kaur | Honors with High Distinction | Minimal Sets for Unipotent Flows Are Compact | Amir Mohammadi |
Zecheng Kuang | Honors with Distinction | Singular-Value Decomposition and Its Applications | Thang Huynh |
Xinyi Luo | Honors with Highest Distinction | Anti-Cycling Methods for Linear Programming | Philip Gill |
Zhao Lyu | Honors with High Distinction | Simplicial Mesh Refinement in Computational Geometry | Martin Licht |
Karina Meneses-Cime | Honors with Highest Distinction | The Intractability and the Tractability of the Orthogonal Vectors Problem | Sam Buss |
Drew Nguyen | Honors with Distinction | Linear Models and Sequential Hypothesis Testing | Ian Abramson |
Laura Thapa | Honors with High Distinction | Applications of Classification Trees to San Diego Marine Layer Prediction | Michael Holst |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
He Jiang | Honors with Distinction | A Comparison of Permutation and Bootstrap Tests | Ery Arias-Castro |
Sohyeon Park | Honors with High Distinction | Optimal Worm Shapes in a Caustic Environment | Li-Tien Cheng, Bo Li |
Jiayi Tong | Honors with High Distinction | Random Matrices with Blocks of Intermediate Scale Strongly Correlated Band Matrices | Todd Kemp |
Brian Tran | Honors with Highest Distinction | Structure Preserving Discretizations of Classical Field Theories | Michael Holst, Melvin Leok |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Nathan Chen | Honors with Distinction | On the Fundamental Groups of Ricci Solitons | Bennett Chow |
Wanting Chen | Honors with Distinction | Effect of Graph Structures on Selection for a Model of a Population on an Undirected Graph | Jason Schweinsberg |
Yujo Chen | Honors with Distinction | Topics in Number Theory: Elliptic Curves | Daniel Kane |
Stavros Sioutis | Honors with High Distinction | Calibration and Filtering of Exponential Lévy Option Pricing Models | Philip Gill, Allan Timmermann, Patrick Fitzsimmons |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
John Dougherty | Honors with High Distinction | Vassiliev Invariants, Chord Diagrams, and Jacobi Diagrams | Justin Roberts |
Michael Olsen | Honors with High Distinction | Numerical Performance of Time-Frequency Transforms in Lossy Audio Coding | Michael Holst |
Bjorn Wehlin | Honors with Highest Distinction | Josephson Junctions in Unconventional Superconductors | David Meyer (Math), Robert Dynes (Physics), Shane Cybart (Physics) |
Wenjing Yin | Honors with Highest Distinction | Robust Significance Testing in Sparse and High Dimensional Linear Models | Jelena Bradic |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Artem Mavrin | Honors with High Distinction | A Survey of Analytic Number Theory | Alina Bucur |
Sam Tracy | Honors with Distinction | Ordinal data and a comparison of the General Estimating Equations against Maximum Likelihood Estimation | Ronghui "Lily" Xu |
Laura Wilke | Honors with Distinction | Comparing Partial Rankings | David Meyer |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Camille Briat | Honors with Distinction | Random-to-Random Shuffles | Todd Kemp |
Gregory Edwards | Honors with High Distinction | On Genus Zero Stable Maps to the Flag Variety | Dragos Oprea |
Siuyung Fung | Honors with High Distinction | Functions of Baire Class One | Jacob Sterbenz |
Geoff Ganzberger | Honors with High Distinction | Some Properties of Rational Points on Elliptic Curves | Alina Ioana Bucur |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Katie Gedeon | Honors with Distinction | Simultaneous Triangularization of Certain Sets of Matrices | Lance Small |
Lihua Huang | Honors with High Distinction | Keeler's Theorem and products of distinct transpositions | Ron Evans |
Natalie Sauerwald | Honors with Distinction | A Wavelet-Based Approach to Template Matching Under Scaling and Translation | David Meyer |
Anila Yadavalli | Honors with Distinction | Quadrant marked mesh patterns in words | Jeffrey Remmel |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Shishir Agrawal | Honors with Highest Distinction | The Euler Characteristic of the Moduli Space of Stable Maps into a Grassmannian | Dragos Oprea |
Matthew Cha | Honors with High Distinction | A quantum random walk model for the (1+2) dimensional Dirac equation | David Meyer |
Leilani Gilpin | Honors with Distinction | The Impact of Topology and Communication Models on Connectivity in Networks | Melvin Leok |
Minji Kim | Honors with Distinction | Second Order Reed-Muller Decoding Algorithm in Quantum Computing | David Meyer |
Bryce Terwilliger | Honors with Distinction | The Asymptotic Efficiency of the Bell-Doksum Procedure Relative to the T-test | Ian Abramson |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Konstantin Dragomiretskiy | Honors with High Distinction | On Gauss Sums, Cyclotomic Number Fields and Stickelberger's Theorem | Harold Stark |
Sarah Elghraoui | Honors with Distinction | Graphs, Zeta Functions, Diameters, and Cospectrality | Audrey Terras |
Hayley Miles-Leighton | Honors with Distinction | Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Stochastic Heat Equation | Michael Holst |
Franklin Wu | Honors with High Distinction | Induced Forests in Planar Graphs | Jacques Verstraete |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Kathryn Farrell | Honors with High Distinction | Hamiltonian Mechanics and the Construction of Numerical Integrators | Michael Holst |
Kevin Heins | Honors with Distinction | Spatial Correlation of Solar Radiation Stations Using Cross-Spectral Methods | Ery Arias-Castro |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Vitaly Katsnelson | Honors with High Distinction | Chemical Reaction Networks: Comparing Deficiency, Determinant Expansions, and Sign Patterns | Bill Helton |
Jennifer B. Webster | Honors with Distinction | Comparsion of Two Methods for Modeling Electron-Radiation Interactions | Michael Holst |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Jonathan David Kommemi | Honors with Highest Distinction | Variational methods for weak solutions to the Einstein Hamiltonian constraint on finite domains with boundary | Michael Holst |
Frank Lam | Honors with High Distinction | Special values of hypergeometric functions over finite fields | Ron Evans |
Xinyi Lin | Honors with High Distinction | Estimation of the primary hazard ratio in the presence of a secondary covariate with non-proportional hazards | Ronghui Xu |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Will Garner | Honors with Distinction | Planting the (Intellectual) Need From Which Learning Grows | Guershon Harel |
Jeremy M. Greene | Honors with High Distinction | Noncommutative Polynomials with Almost Positive Second Derivatives | J. William Helton |
Eric Yin | Honors with Distinction | Multilevel Iterative Methods | Randy Bank |
Name | Honors Level | Thesis | Advisor(s) |
Joey Hammer | Honors with Distinction | Decomposing Hackenbush | Leonard Haff |
Joshua A. Hernandez | Honors with Distinction | Non-Commutative Subharmonic and Harmonic Polynomials | J. William Helton |
Chris Melancon | Honors with Distinction | Simulation of a Quantum Random Walk | Jeffrey Rabin, David Meyer |
Jonathan Pearlman | Honors with Distinction | Necessary Conditions for the Non-existence of Odd Perfect Numbers | Ronald Evans |
Christopher Severs | Honors with High Distinction | Distance 2 Permutation Statistics and Symmetric Functions | Jeffrey Remmel |